Monday, April 12, 2010

sgc 2010 demos and panels

here is a link to some videos of the demos and panels done at sgc.

I got to see a couple in person and there is some really interesting/ educational stuff here so everyone should check it out.

1 comment:

  1. My co-worker returned from his break while I was watching the relief/intaglio demo. Without knowing what I was watching (ie, couldn't see the monitor) he said, "Are you watching a press conference?" If it had been an intentional pun, it would be clever yet horrible, but as he didn't know, it was just a weird yet slightly amusing coincidence.

    AS for the demo, what she does seems fairly unique. Strange to share that knowledge with others. While their work will never look exactly like hers, she just produced about forty potential clones. All in all, fairly interesting technique.
