Friday, April 30, 2010

art critique in the classroom

After discussing the lack of input during in class critiques with several students, I began looking for short yet informative info that would maybe help students feel more confident in making comments during critique. There is nothing worse than putting your work up and getting zero comments. Is that a good or a bad? You never know. What is bad is that not getting any feedback means we miss out on chances to improve what doesn't work with our images. This is a school and we are all here to learn.

I beg you to shred me. Tear my work apart. I want the end result to be the best it can be. If no one says anything am I to grow?

A short and to the point website with info on classroom critique:

also a really good book on critiquing. The Critique Handbook. I own the first edition. This is the second edition.
The Critique Handbook.

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