Friday, April 23, 2010

screen printing registration

I had a lot of problems with registration during my first print so I started doing some research. Basically, the best system I've come across makes use of cross hairs at the top, bottom, right, and left sides of the screen outside of the image area. The only issue I see with this is that it requires the use of an initially larger margin, maybe an extra inch all the way around. Tearing this extra inch off after printing. I am probably just going to hand draw them unless I can get a transparency printed that measures larger than my image size (11x17 or so). The cross hairs look like this:


  1. well, I had so-so success with this. I used a very thin lined version of it which made registration tedious and a little difficult for the target furthest away from me. I also only used two targets in diagonal corners. I think some modifications are necessary to make this work. I'll give it another try.

  2. I modified and increased the number of targets. I am using a solid square with a circle cutout with a cross hairs. It seemed to work really well.

    ***I took the target shape from Steve Hill, btw.

  3. The standard is to use one target in each corner and also a small "tick mark" on each of the long sides. (like the bar of T and bar registration.)

    In off-set printing, where the target is always used, there is also a CMYK stripe at the top of the paper- which will get cut down later.
