Friday, April 30, 2010

art critique in the classroom

After discussing the lack of input during in class critiques with several students, I began looking for short yet informative info that would maybe help students feel more confident in making comments during critique. There is nothing worse than putting your work up and getting zero comments. Is that a good or a bad? You never know. What is bad is that not getting any feedback means we miss out on chances to improve what doesn't work with our images. This is a school and we are all here to learn.

I beg you to shred me. Tear my work apart. I want the end result to be the best it can be. If no one says anything am I to grow?

A short and to the point website with info on classroom critique:

also a really good book on critiquing. The Critique Handbook. I own the first edition. This is the second edition.
The Critique Handbook.

Friday, April 23, 2010

screen printing registration

I had a lot of problems with registration during my first print so I started doing some research. Basically, the best system I've come across makes use of cross hairs at the top, bottom, right, and left sides of the screen outside of the image area. The only issue I see with this is that it requires the use of an initially larger margin, maybe an extra inch all the way around. Tearing this extra inch off after printing. I am probably just going to hand draw them unless I can get a transparency printed that measures larger than my image size (11x17 or so). The cross hairs look like this:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Artist to look at.

I went to the site of these artist and found there work interesting and innovative. I liked especially two of the artist work Ann Hamilton and Tim Hawkinson. I liked how she only showed her mouth especially the one with the water flowing out it showed so much movement. I like the plastic disc that he showed in his work it to have you moving around the image.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Moving Crew: Ideal X!

In the works, The Moving Crew (the world's largest art collective) is going to Croatia.
Check out our website:

Ideal X

and stay tuned for news.

I will be headed for Croatia as soon as final crits are over!

sgc 2010 demos and panels

here is a link to some videos of the demos and panels done at sgc.

I got to see a couple in person and there is some really interesting/ educational stuff here so everyone should check it out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Screen Printing Information and Tutorial

Lots of tutorials, especially using photoshop and illustrator.

in relation to Andrea's post and to the currency assignment from last quarter

More work from Oldrich Kulhanek:

Also last quarter our first assignment was design a currency of our own. Oldrich worked on the czech note. His design is awesome.

Perfect color vision for me, too. Double Woot!

I was quite shocked but yep I scored a zero. So much acid in my past, thought my eyes were fried.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hue Test

Woot, I scored a zero


The online test is a rendering of the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test.

According to the X-Rite website, "The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test
itself is used to separate persons with normal color vision into
classes of superior, average and low color discrimination and to
measure the zones of color confusion of color defective people."

This is very interesting, and it will show you results and show the
spectrum areas where you have problems.
Hue Test

Your eyes might start bleeding a little bit. I scored a bit higher (which is bad) than I would of liked!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lithographs of Nude Males by Oldrich Kulhánek Czech Republic

Check out the website to his work

My Post Impressionism to Expressionism class last quarter got me interested in looking at Czech artists. His images are delicate and I find his control of the etching process to be very impressive.

Artist Fred Hatt

Fred Hatt Website!

This Artist was in an issue of Drawing Magazine in spring of 09. He has a great movement to his drawings, and a really interesting approach that I think could be applied to Litho. Great work!