Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lithographer of ruin : Hisaharu Motoda

Hisaharu Motoda:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Banksy and Simpsons Collaboration

Banksy, the street artist/social provocateur/genius directs a Simpson’s opening that is more biting than the last 3 seasons combined.

Banksy's Simpsons Intro

Friday, October 8, 2010

Enrique Chagoya Debacle

Some recent news on one of our project artists:

Flap over Colo. museum exhibit surprises artist


Witness: Woman screamed about God while destroying art

quoted: "I just took her away from the case. I didn't know she'd gotten the print already. She was ripping up the paper when I was holding her," he said.

hmm... I have the urge to do that in many galleries I visist as well.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A few more examples of student lithographs....

polyester plate lithography

Most of these are from polyester plates. He seems to be making the most out of the limited abilities of the plates. Impressive stuff.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

not your mother's zine

Looking at the zines I've seen posted on the internet I am left with only one thought, things change with time. I remember zines as Professor Rante described them, photocopied and kind of raw. But now, most of these are full-color and clean appearing to be mostly "art books." It would appear that most zines of any narrative substance have become webzines, or blogs. I recall finding zines at music stores selling for a dollar. They used the technology of the day to express themselves and they were barely legible. Now, with the internet and color copiers and sites like etsy, people are selling these things at $20 a pop. Seems more self-indulgent and commercialized than the DIY zines of old. Certainly these new-fangled zines have something to offer, but it seems the mindset has changed. Certainly there are still photocopied zines out there, but how much effort does the zine-maker need to go through to dirty up their images as copier technology improves. It's an interesting subculture, but like any subculture that has been around long enough the mainstream gets ahold of it and changes the face of the culture. Not that zines are everywhere, but where they can be found, they are easily accessible, clean, and nicely printed. The more I think about it, the more I realize the old school zine style is somewhat romanticized. Like punk clothing that used to be purchased from thriftstores is now purchased at the mall. I think the down and dirty aesthetic that zines began with had as much to do with the technology used to make them as the gritty material they contained. Colorful and cleanly put together zines are just the sign of the times.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hey I'm testing this to see if it works...where are the links that we are supposed to be checking out?? I must have missed them somewhere. Testing testing....can you hear me now?? =)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

zine post

etsy I am a bit confused about what i am supposed to post but i looked at this link for zine examples so i posed this one

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Let the lithography begin!

Here are your links for easy access:



Other links you find yourself are acceptable as well.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The ultimate full size and portable fine art etching press that anyone can afford. The Uber Press prints high pressure etching, dry-point, zinc plate, ImagOn, Solarplate, mezzotint, and engraved plates. Monotype, relief, wood block, lino-cut and chine-cole plates are printed with a simple blanket change.

The patent-pending design has built in height adjustment to accommodate both children and adults. The Uber Press is perfect for the serious printmaker who needs a fully capable etching press with a 22" x 30" paper size. The Uber Press is ideal for schools programs that need safe, reliable and indestructible equipment. The Uber Press requires minimal cleaning maintenance and is easily transported between class rooms or schools maximizing school budgets.

With prices starting at $1595.00 USD (ready to print) the Uber Press is affordable.
A quick note:
There's a writeup on Printeresting about Shepard Fairey. While you are there, catch up on other late breaking printmaking news.
Shepard Fairey

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

rock poster sites

Art of Jerry Tidwell - nice range of genre's - really good integration of words

Dan Stiles - Very Design oriented- you can definitely tell the posters are his design.

A blog with tagged images of rock posters with links to other rock poster artists

A huge archive of gigposters - not all screen printed, but posters all the same.
use the browse buttons on the top left side of the menu to browse through the posters:

A nice site with classic and modern rock posters

Friday, April 30, 2010

art critique in the classroom

After discussing the lack of input during in class critiques with several students, I began looking for short yet informative info that would maybe help students feel more confident in making comments during critique. There is nothing worse than putting your work up and getting zero comments. Is that a good or a bad? You never know. What is bad is that not getting any feedback means we miss out on chances to improve what doesn't work with our images. This is a school and we are all here to learn.

I beg you to shred me. Tear my work apart. I want the end result to be the best it can be. If no one says anything am I to grow?

A short and to the point website with info on classroom critique:

also a really good book on critiquing. The Critique Handbook. I own the first edition. This is the second edition.
The Critique Handbook.

Friday, April 23, 2010

screen printing registration

I had a lot of problems with registration during my first print so I started doing some research. Basically, the best system I've come across makes use of cross hairs at the top, bottom, right, and left sides of the screen outside of the image area. The only issue I see with this is that it requires the use of an initially larger margin, maybe an extra inch all the way around. Tearing this extra inch off after printing. I am probably just going to hand draw them unless I can get a transparency printed that measures larger than my image size (11x17 or so). The cross hairs look like this:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Artist to look at.

I went to the site of these artist and found there work interesting and innovative. I liked especially two of the artist work Ann Hamilton and Tim Hawkinson. I liked how she only showed her mouth especially the one with the water flowing out it showed so much movement. I like the plastic disc that he showed in his work it to have you moving around the image.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Moving Crew: Ideal X!

In the works, The Moving Crew (the world's largest art collective) is going to Croatia.
Check out our website:

Ideal X

and stay tuned for news.

I will be headed for Croatia as soon as final crits are over!

sgc 2010 demos and panels

here is a link to some videos of the demos and panels done at sgc.

I got to see a couple in person and there is some really interesting/ educational stuff here so everyone should check it out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Screen Printing Information and Tutorial

Lots of tutorials, especially using photoshop and illustrator.

in relation to Andrea's post and to the currency assignment from last quarter

More work from Oldrich Kulhanek:

Also last quarter our first assignment was design a currency of our own. Oldrich worked on the czech note. His design is awesome.

Perfect color vision for me, too. Double Woot!

I was quite shocked but yep I scored a zero. So much acid in my past, thought my eyes were fried.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hue Test

Woot, I scored a zero


The online test is a rendering of the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test.

According to the X-Rite website, "The Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test
itself is used to separate persons with normal color vision into
classes of superior, average and low color discrimination and to
measure the zones of color confusion of color defective people."

This is very interesting, and it will show you results and show the
spectrum areas where you have problems.
Hue Test

Your eyes might start bleeding a little bit. I scored a bit higher (which is bad) than I would of liked!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lithographs of Nude Males by Oldrich Kulhánek Czech Republic

Check out the website to his work

My Post Impressionism to Expressionism class last quarter got me interested in looking at Czech artists. His images are delicate and I find his control of the etching process to be very impressive.

Artist Fred Hatt

Fred Hatt Website!

This Artist was in an issue of Drawing Magazine in spring of 09. He has a great movement to his drawings, and a really interesting approach that I think could be applied to Litho. Great work!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

International Print Exchange 2010

This is a very inexpensive print exchange.

Size requirements: 5.5" x 5.5" paper size
image maximum : 3.9" x 3.9"

Cost is £6 which is approx $9.

Deadline is 12 Noon (GMT) Tuesday 31 August 2010.

Submit your edition then receive an exchange portfolio from ten different printmakers from around the world. I've seen others participate in past years. While not every print is fabulous, there were still a few impressive prints in each exchanged edition.


All submissions must be created using a recognised printmaking process: e.g. Serigraphy, Etching, Lithography, Mezzotint, Dry point, Linocut, Woodcut, Gocco, Collography etc... Purely digital/ photographic prints will not be accepted. However, the inclusion of digital/photographic work as part of the image creation process is welcomed provided that the final physical print is not produced using an exclusively digital print process.

staple art

French artist Baptiste Debombourg creates classical art out of staples.

For more images and if you are fluent in french, go to

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

some more photos from the Shepard Fairy Exhibit

I wish we had taken photos of the rumpus in the education room. Unfortunately, these are all I could sneak without the guards seeing me. I took several more of the buildings architecture, but no more of the students and the exhibit.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I took one photo the other day with my phone...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Museum of Pocket Art


Just a little something to check out. The doodle as art.

Friday, February 26, 2010

University of Minnesota hosts MAPC 2010

With SGC just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about THE OTHER print conference... MAPC! It's biennial and a bit smaller, making demos and panels easier to squeeze yourself into. Plus, it's loads of fun. The theme is New World/ Old World, exploring contemporary and traditional printmaking.

Registration is up here : MAPC NEW WORLD/OLD WORLD

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A man, some knives, and leather.

Mark Evans "etching" leather with knives. Amazing stuff.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Holed Up: Travis Head

Here is a link to a walk through of my friend, Travis Head's show. Enjoy!

Holed Up

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just something funny I found on The Onion's website that made me think of ur money assignment. Hope you all find it funny too.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Philagrafika Blog

Ahem. I going to change the subject now.

Check out Philagrafika's Blog.


This may give you some ideas for artists you want to research.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Interspecies Friendship

Interspecies Friendship

Something warm and fuzzy to get us through the long month of January.

(click on the link to see such things as a dog and killer whale! giraffe and goat! cat and snail!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Art in Commerce

Piece of Artwork that constantly resells itself on ebay. You get to keep it until someone else buys it. The artist gets a 15% cut of any increase in selling price. Brilliant!

A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's your (now informed) opinion?

To follow up on our reading assignment, please answer the following prompt, to the best of your ability in 2-3 pages.

Explain the differences or similarities in the artistic approaches and driving forces behind Kinkade and Ritchie's work.

Is one more valid than the other? Why?

Do you hold one in greater respect? Why?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Exchange Portfolio

I received the following email, and this would be a nice venue to show your final projects (the portfolio project.) Each of you would be returned a portfolio of prints from students of different universities, as well as have a show in a decent venue. Let's talk about this in class.


The Central Michigan University Print Club invites you to participate in the 2nd annual undergraduate exchange portfolio and exhibition.

Theme: Stage 4
Eligible Artists: undergraduate students
Printmaking Media: open

Paper Size: 11 x 14 (please, no thicker than 1/8”)
Edition Size: 12 prints (numbered 1/12 – 12/12), with interleaving between the prints.

A collection of 11 random prints will be sent you from those submitted. One print will be used for exhibition and remain in the CMU print collection.

Send an RSVP email confirmation of participation by February 12th

Please include:
Complete Mailing Address (where you would like the portfolio shipped mid-May 2010)
Email address

Cost: $7.00 for return shipping / portfolio materials (Please include payment with your prints as cash or check payable to “print club”)


Send Prints to:

Central Michigan University Print Club
Department of Art and Design
132 Wightman Hall
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

The complete portfolio of prints will be exhibited in the Central Michigan University Park Library; Extended Hours Exhibition Space
May –June 2010.

Thank you for passing this information on to all that are interested.


Note to Professors: If you have a large group of students participating and the portfolios are returned to a single address the shipping cost can be minimized (keep in mind they will be sent out mid-May 2010).

Johanna Paas
Associate Professor of Art – Printmaking
132 Wightman Hall
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

Mid America Print Council

Mid America Print Council

Membership for students is only $10.

check out a recent member show. there are some really nice prints.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

shepard fairey exhibit @ ICA Boston has a review and oads of photos from the show. Hopefully, the complete exhibit will make its way to the contemporary art center in Cincy.

View more photos :here This is a trunicated /altered design of what Danielle showed us in class today.
This is some artwork Shepard Fairey contributed to a new album just now coming out called The Spirit of Apollo by a musical collaboration called N.A.S.A. (North America South America). I immediately thought of it our first class after hearing both that we'll get to see the Shepard Fairey exhibit in Cinci next month and learning about our currency assignment.

p.s.- Incidentally, the album this artwork is for is amazing if you're so inclined to check it out.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

currency design

I was browsing the internet looking at examples of currency designs when I came across a site which has a long list of proposed iraqi currency designs. Near the bottom is this awesome politically motivated design, I just had to share it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Up and running, check back frequently for updates.