Friday, January 29, 2010

Philagrafika Blog

Ahem. I going to change the subject now.

Check out Philagrafika's Blog.


This may give you some ideas for artists you want to research.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Interspecies Friendship

Interspecies Friendship

Something warm and fuzzy to get us through the long month of January.

(click on the link to see such things as a dog and killer whale! giraffe and goat! cat and snail!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Art in Commerce

Piece of Artwork that constantly resells itself on ebay. You get to keep it until someone else buys it. The artist gets a 15% cut of any increase in selling price. Brilliant!

A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's your (now informed) opinion?

To follow up on our reading assignment, please answer the following prompt, to the best of your ability in 2-3 pages.

Explain the differences or similarities in the artistic approaches and driving forces behind Kinkade and Ritchie's work.

Is one more valid than the other? Why?

Do you hold one in greater respect? Why?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Exchange Portfolio

I received the following email, and this would be a nice venue to show your final projects (the portfolio project.) Each of you would be returned a portfolio of prints from students of different universities, as well as have a show in a decent venue. Let's talk about this in class.


The Central Michigan University Print Club invites you to participate in the 2nd annual undergraduate exchange portfolio and exhibition.

Theme: Stage 4
Eligible Artists: undergraduate students
Printmaking Media: open

Paper Size: 11 x 14 (please, no thicker than 1/8”)
Edition Size: 12 prints (numbered 1/12 – 12/12), with interleaving between the prints.

A collection of 11 random prints will be sent you from those submitted. One print will be used for exhibition and remain in the CMU print collection.

Send an RSVP email confirmation of participation by February 12th

Please include:
Complete Mailing Address (where you would like the portfolio shipped mid-May 2010)
Email address

Cost: $7.00 for return shipping / portfolio materials (Please include payment with your prints as cash or check payable to “print club”)


Send Prints to:

Central Michigan University Print Club
Department of Art and Design
132 Wightman Hall
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

The complete portfolio of prints will be exhibited in the Central Michigan University Park Library; Extended Hours Exhibition Space
May –June 2010.

Thank you for passing this information on to all that are interested.


Note to Professors: If you have a large group of students participating and the portfolios are returned to a single address the shipping cost can be minimized (keep in mind they will be sent out mid-May 2010).

Johanna Paas
Associate Professor of Art – Printmaking
132 Wightman Hall
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

Mid America Print Council

Mid America Print Council

Membership for students is only $10.

check out a recent member show. there are some really nice prints.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

shepard fairey exhibit @ ICA Boston has a review and oads of photos from the show. Hopefully, the complete exhibit will make its way to the contemporary art center in Cincy.

View more photos :here This is a trunicated /altered design of what Danielle showed us in class today.
This is some artwork Shepard Fairey contributed to a new album just now coming out called The Spirit of Apollo by a musical collaboration called N.A.S.A. (North America South America). I immediately thought of it our first class after hearing both that we'll get to see the Shepard Fairey exhibit in Cinci next month and learning about our currency assignment.

p.s.- Incidentally, the album this artwork is for is amazing if you're so inclined to check it out.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

currency design

I was browsing the internet looking at examples of currency designs when I came across a site which has a long list of proposed iraqi currency designs. Near the bottom is this awesome politically motivated design, I just had to share it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Up and running, check back frequently for updates.